Thursday, December 19, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Parchment Embossing for Christmas
2013 had me discover Parchment Embossing- to the point where I was teaching adult groups at Rawlins. These examples of Christmas themes are just lovely and for me makes the craft a little more contemporary. You need some kits for this- parchment paper, a soft surface, an embossing tool and perhaps some images to trace with a white gel pen, but it's not too expensive and it's so relaxing and rewarding. Try it!
The TRADITIONAL activity of the season!
Balls made from old Christmas cards, or in this case, cool craft paper (I had a moment of being a craft snob there!)- this one is straight from yesteryear when we all recycled and kids were kept entertained with activities and imagination rather than a screen (that sounded more bitter than I meant!).
For this, you cut 20 identically sized circles out and carefully fold each circle into a triangle with equal sides. Glue the bent sides together until you have formed a ball. For better instructions, see Maker Mamma at:
The BEST Christmas activity of the year
Introducing....the origami Christmas tree- a triumph in design- this has easily been my favourite activity of the season! After discovering it on Pinterest (if you don't know what Pinterest is, Google it NOW, it will enhance your life!) I have been on a mission to teach everyone how to make them. Arts Award groups, post 16s, my parents, my children, my colleagues...
Friday, November 8, 2013
Vinyl Spiders
Take an old and *really bad* record, hang it up with yarn, bulk out it's top with tissue paper, add big scary or silly eyes and 8 spindly legs and- voila- a massive spider to hang from your ceiling! Visitors to Rawlins Academy will spot this in my window at the moment!
Ethiopian animals by student
One of my students has painted these for me because I'm off to Ethiopia soon! How beautiful they are- certainly worthy of a post!
Last night I had the honour of unveiling our certificate for Artsmark Gold in front of the many parents and supporters of our young artists at Rawlins. We have an incredible exhibition of artwork in the gallery if anyone wants to come in and see it.
Art Club Animation
Here is a still from our after school art club's collaborative animation. Each participant designed and made a character with special powers and we used plain wallpaper to create a scene. Next, everyone is putting their own faces into their own scenes!
Arts Award Enhancement Sessions
Arts Award is reaching lots of new students at Rawlins Academy this year. Year 7s, 10s and 11s as well as post 16s now come together each week for arts award enhancement- to share ideas, work together on portfolios and have a bit of a laugh. I threw this origami challenge in yesterday- it looks like a paper explosion!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Cartooning and Animation after school art club
THURSDAYS from 4-5.15 for children aged 5 and up! We are designing 2D and 3D cartoon characters, sets and scenarios in this fast paced after school club which teaches skills as well as nurturing imagination. Using papers and paints as well as iMacs and cameras, this opportunity for children is quite unique. BOOK NOW on 01509 622827 or pop into Rawlins reception.
Parchment Embossing Adult Art Class
What do you know about Parchment Embossing? This craft involves tracing intricate designs onto parchment paper in white pen, then using an embossing tool to carefully raise areas of the design, making them shade white. Sections can be cut away with a craft knife to add lacey effects until the overall piece looks absolutely stunning. Often used for cards, I have put a one day workshop together for Christmas for adults which will guarantee that you learn the craft and go away with Christmas cards and gift tags ready for your closest friends and family. Suitable for complete beginners and advanced crafters. 16 November at Rawlins. TO BOOK call 01509 622827.
Diwali art
Very few global festivals rival Diwali in colour and beauty so ART CAMP gets very excited at this time of year.
Sorry for the silence lately (have taken to tweeting). However, I'm back to keep you posted on the latest art projects after a summer of *too much colourful excitement to mention*.
Next week we are BACK for OCTOBER ART CAMP (a personal favourite) with The Big Draw, Diwali, Halloween and Autumn themes (such joy). Sign up for any day or every day (from aged 5 to 14) through our Rawlins Academy website or call 01509 622827
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Adopt an artist
WALL MURAL at Loughborough walk in centre

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